Windows Server 2012 Installation error 0x80070570

This issue comes when you try to install Windows Server 2012 from the downloaded evaluation ISO file. Actually sometimes the installation files get corrupted during the downloading from Microsoft website. To resolve this issue, you can try this :

1. Change your NIS’s DNS to Google :
2. Clear DNS cache by running ipconfig/flushdns command
3. Use a different browser to download the installation media again
4. Try to install again

Hope this helps!

Device SWD PRINTENUM PrintQueues Requires further Installation.

You may receive this error after your PC or laptop is updated to Windows 10:
“Device SWD\PRINTENUM\PrintQueues requires further installation”

Basically this happens when the printer driver get corrupted after the Windows 10 installation. To resolve the issue , you can simply uninstall the printer driver and re-install the compatible version available of printer vendor website.

VMware vCloud Director Free Online Course

If you are trying to find a free elearning resource on VMware vCloud Director Fundamentals, here you go:

Course content is really great and gives a good understanding of  the functionality and architecture of
Mware vCloud Director :

vmware vcloud director free online course

SAP Crystal Report with Visual studio 2012 is not working in Windows 10

When you are not bale to run SAP Crystal Report 13 with Visual Studio 2012 in Windows 10, you need to this settings:

--> go to “aspnet_client” folder  in IIS and rename it from  ''4_0_30319" to "4_6_79" 

This will work for sure.

Cheapest 20 GB Data Plan in Delhi

For last 3 years I have been using Tata Docomo PhotonMAX WiFi Data card which I got from my employer at a discounted corporate post plan. I get 20GB data per in Rs1000 per month which seemed to be the cheapest one until I came across this news about state run telecom giant BSNL that they will be offering cheapest 20GB data plan in Delhi and across India in Just Rs.50 to support PM Modi’s Digital India plan. When I did some research on internet, I found that this was a fake news and there is no such plan BSNL will be offering.

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